Sunday, 7 April 2013

The Inki Pinki blog: Inkipinki with an i and not a y...why?



Inkipinki with an eye and not a why

From the outset we liked the combination of the two words 'inki' and 'pinki' because they suggested the simple fact that we were interested in making greeting cards and stationery using the best quality ink and paper available to us with love, attention and even with a bit of joy!
'Inky Pinky Ponky' may have been at the back of our mind but this really wasn't the reason for our choice of name and, even if it had been, the letter 'y' is not so successful when used in a lowercase title (at least that's what we think). Hence, 'Inki Pinki' was the starting point and not 'Inky Pinky'.
We soon discovered the widespread use of inky pinky and were even advised on the importance of establishing a trademark with a unique name. This led to the eventual naming of the company Inkipinkicards Limited.
But leaving this history aside:

Our aim is  to establish an 'inki pinki' brand based on an 'eye for detail' and so this is really why we use an 'i' and not a 'y'!

                      (Sounds like an after thought...I know!)

By the end of the year we are aiming for to be exclusively devoted to personalised wedding stationery and, as we write, work is underway on baby-at-inki-pinki, kidz-at-inki-pink and art-at-inki-pinki. Here are some of the logos we've been working on:

and one for baby@ inki-pinki

Lastly,  with it being quite difficult ( for some of us...I mean me!) to type in i-n-k-i-p-i-n-k-i-c-a-r-d-s all in one go without making a mistake, the new domain names have an hyphen between the syllables.

Thanks for reading the 'inki pinki  blog'